Following the dissolution of the Gnomereganian monarchy four-hundred years ago, the last king of the gnomes lead a band of zealots — craftsmen, laborers, and free-thinkers — past the city’s vaunted walls and into the great unknown in search of a land where their ideals of Titanic perfection could thrive.
Settling deep in the heart of an abandoned vault off the coast of Kul Tiras, the people of Mechagon founded a city of industry and technology that exemplified self-improvement above all else through the process of ritual amputation and mechanical body modification.

After years of isolation, mounting Titan fanaticism lead to a city-wide revolt, where the warring factions of the loyalist Arcforged and Rustbolt Resistance, headed by King Mechagon and Prince Erazmin respectively, plunged the island into chaos.

Hot off a violent coup, the triumphant rebellion now turns their focus to reclaiming the city as a cultural hub for both themselves and their mainland cousins as they struggle to adjust to life as a people four centuries displaced.


The following webpage is a compilation of multiple canon sources interspersed with fanon interpretations of Mechagonian lore, presented in one comprehensive location for ease of use by those looking to create immersive roleplay experiences and characters for a race that has precious-little in the way of bulk material with which to inform its players.

As this is a community effort, all the writing herein is contributed by different players to fully flesh out the race as a whole. If you’d like to add something, please reach out to us at our contact page!